Prostatitis Medications

Inflammation of the prostate brings many unpleasant sensations to man, making him suffer both physically and psychologically. Prostatitis initiated can lead to dangerous consequences, even infertility, the development of benign and malignant tumors in the tissues of the organ, complete impotence. Therefore, an important role is played by a timely visit to the doctor, establishing the causes of the inflammatory process and competent therapy. Today in the pharmacological market there is a variety of drugs and remedies effective for the treatment of prostatitis, different in their action, effectiveness and price.

Successful treatment of prostatitis is provided only by an integrated approach, including the use of medication, diet, physical therapy, the use of popular recipes, the elimination of provocative factors and the elimination of the causes of the pathological process. Drug therapy, in turn, includes the use of drugs in order to eliminate several problems. Medicines for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate are presented in various dosage forms and can combine several actions at the same time.

Dosage forms of drugs for prostatitis

Prostatitis drugs are presented in the following dosage forms:

  • tablets or capsules;
  • injectable drugs;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • microclysters and instillations.

The latter can be made based on natural ingredients and the use of medicines.


You cannot run out of pills in prostatitis therapy. The treatment of chronic prostatitis in men can be performed with other dosage forms, but only during periods of remission. During an exacerbation, you will have to take pills. As the prostate inflammatory process is most often caused by infectious agents, treatment necessarily includes the use of various types of antibiotics. In addition, in the treatment of all types of prostatitis, the following groups of drugs can be used, prescribed according to the indications of each specific case:

  • alpha blockers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics;
  • diuretics;
  • hormonal preparations;
  • immunostimulants.

In addition, complex preparations have been developed that have a combined effect on prostatitis.


Such drugs are necessary in almost all cases of acute prostatitis, caused by pathogenic microorganisms. When inflammation is caused by congestion in Organs pelvic organs, antibiotics can also be used if the tests reveal the activity of the so-called nonspecific or opportunistic microflora.

Self-medication with antibiotics, uncontrolled intake, use of such drugs on the recommendation of friends or over the Internet is strictly prohibited. To determine which medications are needed in a specific case, only a qualified physician can rely on the test results. Some patients require a combination of several types of antibiotics. Determination of the type of medication, doses, dosage regimens and duration of treatment is the exclusive responsibility of the urologist.

The following groups of antibiotics can be used to treat prostatitis:

  • fluoroquinolones- destroy the DNA synthesis of cells of pathogenic microorganisms, thus suppressing their vital activity;
  • tetracyclines- broad-spectrum antibiotics, suppressing pathogenic microflora, which is very difficult for patients to tolerate;
  • cephalosporins- damage cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms, interfering with their life and reproduction, these antibiotics have many side effects, negatively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract, so they are almost never prescribed in tabletsand are recommended for intramuscular administration;
  • penicillins- block the protein synthesis necessary for microorganisms to build cellular structures, these funds, unlike the previous ones, have almost no side effects and are taken in tablets;
  • macrolides- drugs with less toxicity to the human body, are very well tolerated by patients, but are rarely prescribed due to unproven effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis.

The need for a course of antibiotic intake according to certain schedules and in certain dosages is due to the peculiarities of its action. Only after reaching a certain concentration, which must be replenished at regular intervals, the drug substances begin to suppressively affect the pathogenic microflora. To completely destroy it, it takes ten days to a month. If the course is not completed, as some patients do, when they feel well, the infectious agents can remain in the body, acquire resistance to drugs and, under certain conditions, start to multiply again.

Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers

This group of drugs is prescribed for severe urinary problems to relax the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethra.

Alpha-adrenergic blockers differ in their action - some act on the receptors selectively, others do not have this selectivity.

Many alpha-blockers are hypotensive, so they are not prescribed for patients with low blood pressure. They have almost no side effects, prevent the return of urine flow and prevent reinfection of the prostate.

Analgesics and antispasmodics

With severe pain syndrome, especially with the inflammatory-purulent course of prostatitis, you cannot be without painkillers. The pain in prostatitis is so severe that the patient cannot even touch the affected area. Most painkillers do not affect the area of ​​pain, but it does relieve the sensitivity of the brain centers in the cortex. Therefore, it is not worth using them regularly, they do not provide real help in solving the problem.

Antispasmodics have another effect. These drugs relax the smooth muscles of the organs, relieve spasms.


These drugs aim to eliminate inflammation, reduce swelling in the affected area, have an antipyretic and analgesic effect, facilitate urination, but most of the time the inflammation is removed with suppositories and microclysters.

Preparations based on herbal ingredients

Natural preparations are recommended for use in chronic forms of the disease. They require a long course of administration, but they can improve the function of the prostate, suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora and strengthen the immune system, which suffers in a long fight against infection.


Various types of antibiotics are recommended for intramuscular administration for prostatitis.

The most effective remedy for prostate inflammation, produced in solutions for intramuscular injection, is a special preparation that has a complex effect: it relieves swelling, improves the circulation of fluids in the affected area, relieves inflammation, increases toneSmooth muscle, strengthens the immune system.

Rectangular candles

Rectal suppositories are considered the most effective way to relieve pain and inflammation. Their effectiveness is due to the fact that they bypass the bloodstream, liver and gastrointestinal tract, penetrating directly into the affected area. Doctors recommend use in the treatment of prostatitis:

  • ichthyol candles;
  • candles with medicines;
  • candles with propolis.

Direct injection into the rectum, located close to the inflamed area, provides rapid suppository action. This treatment has the following effects:

  • quickly relieves pain syndrome;
  • relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation in the affected area;
  • prostate function is restored;
  • the pathogenic microflora is destroyed;
  • urination process is restored.

Suppositories are recommended for all forms of prostatitis.

Microclisers and instillations

microclysters for the treatment of prostatitis

Like rectal suppositories, microclysters and instillations provide a quick release of active substances directly into the inflamed organ.

The procedures can be performed using solutions of medicinal preparations, decoctions and alcoholic tinctures of medicinal herbs, natural oils.


Before taking any prostatitis medication, you should consult your doctor and have a complete examination. Drug therapy is very effective, but if the man does not change his habits and does not eliminate the action of the provocative factors, prostatitis will return soon, even with successful treatment.